Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 265.... Climbing Stone Mountain

I woke up this morning feeling pretty good and thought we should go climb Stone Mountain today!! 
John and the boys!!
The Greeneteam absolutely loved climbing the mountain and thinks that when the 365 is done we should climb it monthly or more!! 
Ms. Fashion girl Maddie Mae!!
Taking a rest before we got to the top!!
The nicest guy offered to take our photo.
John and I at the top!!
If you head to Stone Mountain to climb plan for at least 2 hours top to bottom. Also plan to have lots of water and snacks. It takes a lot of energy, and refueling is necessary!! I thought today in the high 50's was perfect weather to go. It was very busy so apparently lots of people thought the same thing.  
View from the top!!


  1. I put you on Google Reader since I've given up Facebook. :-) Looks like a great day for a hike...a little fresh air and exercise. Love it!

  2. Glad you can still follow us on Google Reader. It was a great day. If you all come again in the fall we should make the hike. :)

  3. Would love to!! Now I have to go read about the pancakes. :-)
