Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 162.. Crazy Turkey's!!

Tonight was make a turkey night.. I showed the kids several different ideas I had seen on Pinterest and then we gathered tons of craft supplies and all got to work. At this stage in the game with kids from ages 7-11 I feel like they need to be shown a few ideas. Then, just do what you want to do, and make something that resembles a turkey. The good, the bad, the ugly who cares?? My only rule was you had to try to make a turkey. The results varied from WOW GREAT to hmmmm, interesting. Enjoy our 2011 Crazy Turkey's!!

Say Gobble Gobble!!

The Family in order. Daddy, Mom, Kenna, Jack, Carson and Maddie!!

Daddy get's the winner, winner turkey dinner award. Loved his version of a turkey made out of a paint stick, foam, pipe cleaners, and paint. GREAT JOB BABY!!

The mama turkey on the other hand looks as though she is being held up at a bank. She also seems confused as to her identity. A turkey, an eagle, an owl??? Psycho turkey!!! I think that is it, and fits my life to a perfect T!! John's comment was "eyeliner gone bad"!! LOL!!

2011 Crazy Turkey's!!

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