First I have to say how shocked I was to see a huge line. We had arrived at 4:15 for the 5:00 build. I thought we would walk around and kill 45 minutes in the mall. Wrong we needed to get in the line if we were going to have any chance at getting a Lego guy. Luckily we were behind a very nice man who filled us in on how the monthly build works.
A worker comes out a little before 5:00 and starts giving Lego passes to all the kids. They have a total of 250 per store. Then the doors open at 5:00 and the line starts moving. Believe it or not once the line was moving we made it in the store within a half hour.
Now here is the best part. I have to tell you how impressed I was with their organization, kindness, patience and cheerful attitudes!! They had tables set up inside the store, a guide to take you to your specific work table, and then a person at the table to help you if you were having problems.
Out of my four two are builders and two have never built Legos. Our helpers name was Adam. He was the best. He helped Maddie and Carson. He never rushed them, assisted without doing the work etc. Just so kind, helpful and patient. He told them how important it was to read the directions, not get discouraged and just take their time. Really so wonderful to see someone be so helpful in a store filled with kids and parents.
When we were done Jack had some birthday money to spend so he purchased a Lego set. During checkout the man running the register was also friendly and so customer service oriented.
The Lego mini build gets two thumbs up as a FREE FUN ACTIVITY. The kids all agreed it was worth waiting in line for. The LEGO STORE also gets two thumbs way,way.way up for some of the best customer service this mom has seen in a very, very long time.
The Mini Lego monthly build is the first Tuesday of every month. Next months character is Dracula!!
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