I think anytime you start a new class it is fun. Today we started our 2011/2012 home school co/op classes. The kids were very excited to start the new year. Jack, Maddie and Carson will be taking PE, American History, and Art. Makenna will take Art, Poetry and Cross Stitch!! It was great today to see old friends and to try to make some new ones. Going to be a fun semester
Tonight we are having fun on an inflatable water slide at a friends house. Gotta love a private water slide!!
Sometimes the FUN of the day is dictated by the events that happen during the day. This was one of those times. During Science class the boys had some questions that required THE TALK. (You know the one.) I did my best with the topic but felt like they needed a guys night with their dad to finish up any unanswered questions. Fun for John right??
When John got home we decided that he would have a boys night at home with pizza, Mario Kart, and the "Double Digit Man Talk." I would take the girls for a girls night out. Sometimes it is just easier to divide and conquer. Tonight was one of those nights. Lots of fun and one we will certainly remember.
Girls ready for a night out.
Boys ready for a guys night in.
Tonight we took a large piece of butcher paper and turned it into an urban cityscape. It took us about 90 minutes to complete the project. We worked in teams of two and then all conglomerated on where to put everything at the end. This was such a fun project as we used paint, glue, construction paper,and cotton balls.
We used our normal family method of deciding what to do by letting each person pick an idea/ theme. Our choices.. Tron, The Ocean, A garden, Candy Land, Washington DC, and a city. We put them all in a bowl and we keep picking until only 1 thing is left. Tonights winner was Jackson's idea of a city. We loved how it turned out!! Lots of fun.
URBAN MADNESS... an art project by the Greeneteam
John and Carson were our sky men and Cloud fluffers. John also drew most of the cars and double bus.
The Building Crew Jack and Makenna.
Maddie and I were the Street Crew!! Our job the road, cars, and street signs.